Are You Upset With Aggressive Behavior Of Your Toddler?

Aggression in toddlers is normal and healthy. However, some toddlers are so aggressive that they often become angry and bites, hits, kicks, ...

Are Kids Just As Selfish As Their Parents?

This week’s report from the Good Childhood Inquiry attested that children are suffering from the equivalent levels of adult selfishness and general...

Symptoms of Emotional Abuse in Children

Before thinking about the symptoms of emotional abuse in children, you should know that there are four different kinds of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. Emotional...
teach your girl how to deal with princess syndrome

Teach your Girl How to Deal with Princess Syndrome

Princess syndrome isn't a technical term and you won’t find its definition in a medical textbook. But this doesn’t mean that this is not...

Cheating Problem In Children! What To Do?

Cheating in children has become more problematic now than ever before. There is nothing new about cheating in children, but now it is...

3 Tips For Good Children’s Behavior

Parenting does not end merely when they are able to produce children and having the financial capability to back them up in terms of...
children' mood swings

Dealing with Children’ Mood Swings

Your five-year old will not listen to you when you ask her to turn off the television and neither will your 8eight-year old give...

Warning Signals Of Sexual Abuse In Children

Sexual abuse in children can be very traumatic not only to your child, but to you and your family as well. It is an...

Learn Adolescent Psychology To Prevent Bad habits In Your Child!

Adolescence is the age in which your child will have different changes in their life both physically and mentally. Once your child reaches this...

How To Tackle Bad Language In Children?

What would you do if you enter your house and suddenly you hear your kid say the F word? As a parent, you might...

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