How To Identify And Deal With Your Child’s Learning Disabilities?

Is your child having learning disability? Are you exasperated with your kids’ learning disability? Children with learning disability face problems in processing sensory information with which their routine activities at school and work interferes.

Learning disability (LD) is a neurological condition that affects the ability of the brain to perform specific tasks — sending, receiving, processing, communicating, or storing information.

Experts estimate that at least 10 percent of all children have learning disabilities.child learning disability

LD children possess normal or above average intelligence but often mistakenly labeled as being sharp but lazy.

You can see learning disability in children through the difference between their learning capacity and actual learning ability, as the brain finds difficulty in understanding certain signals and averts from processing the signals’ information [Child learning for good education].

Detecting learning disability in children is more possible when the child begins schooling and finds difficulty in gaining, understanding, organizing, remembering, and expressing fundamental academic skills. Children with LD have following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in listening, understanding, or speaking spoken language
  • Trouble understanding, remembering and following simple instructions
  • Taking long pause before identifying pictures, colors and objects
  • Paying less attention to master reading, writing, pronouncing, and math skills and thus failing at schoolwork
  • Lacking physical coordination when writing, holding, manipulating objects, playing, running and jumping
  • Finding difficult to color or draw
  • Poor understanding of concept such as time, the day–“yesterday,” “today,” and “tomorrow”

Parenting tips to cope with learning disabilities in children

If you notice learning disability in your child, do not react to it more. Instead, follow some of these ideas to deal with your child’s learning disabilities.

  • Take time to spend more with your child and with lot of patience listen to your child.
  • Try to find out and encourage your kid’s abilities, interests, and strengths. Involve in your kid’s activities and teach how to make use of these abilities and strengths as compensations for his/her disabilities.
  • Do not let your child to be alone. Try to give them reasonable chores [Household chores for kid].
  • Appreciate the kid for every attempt and reward with good words, hugging, smiles, and often pat on the back as a means of encouragement.
  • Accept your kid for his/her human potential for growth and development and always try to be practical in expectations and demands.
  • Exhibit your love to him/her through kissing, hugging, and touching, as physical contact is more important.
  • Do not nag. Try to correct the child’s mistakes by demonstrating the right way of doing it.
  • Motivate your child to develop skills by providing games, toys, motor activities and other opportunities.
  • Take your child to parties, clubs where he/she can move socially with others through playing, chatting, and other group activities.
  • Tell enjoyable stories to your child and encourage him/her to make queries, talk about stories, retell the stories, as well as reread the stories.

As a parent, never hesitate to consult with specialists and teachers if it is necessary for you to know what is required to make your child learn properly.


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