Common Toddler Sleep Problems And Effective Solutions For Tired Parents

As your baby becomes a toddler, their sleep timings will change.

Toddler sleeps less during the day, but sleeps about 11 or more hours at night.

You’ll be transitioning your toddler to fewer naps and even a cranky tired baby can have difficulty getting to sleep.

Up to 20 percent of children may have sleep disorder. The most common problem is difficulty falling asleep.

Toddler sleep problems:

  • Lack of routine and bed time rituals
  • Childhood depression, anxiety or trauma
  • Intestinal wormsToddler Sleep
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome symptoms include, snoring, difficulty in breathing or mouth breathing during sleep. It affects 1-3 percent of the children. The main causes of sleep apnea are obesity and neuromuscular disease.
  • Narcolepsy – this toddler sleep disorder have a great difficulty in getting up in the mornings. When awaken the child may appear to be mystified or may be destructive or verbally abusive.
  • Bed wetting is one of the most prevalent toddler sleep problem. It is a hereditary disorder.
  • Night terrors- occur approximately 90 minutes into sleep. The child suddenly sits upright and screams and is devastated for up to 30 minutes and falling back to sleep.
  • Sleepwalking and sleep talking. In this stage a child sits up in bed with eyes open but is unseeing.
  • Some of the toddler sleep disturbances are night awakenings and bedtime resistance.
  • Snoring, noisy breathing, coughing during night and sweating during night are the common toddler sleep problems.

Tips for getting a toddler to sleep:

  • Develop a steady night time routine with supper, bath and a bed time story every night.
  • By following a nightly bedtime ritual, he knows that what is expected of him and what to expect at night.
  • Some children go to sleep more easily with white noise from a fan or sound machine. Baby music helps to calm your baby.
  • Massaging your toddler for 15 minutes before bed time makes your toddler to sleep.
  • Create calm, soothe, secure and pleasant sleep environment for toddler sleep.
  • Maintain the room temperature between 60 and 65.
  • Turn off the lights in your bedroom.
  • Gently rock your baby to sleep. The motion of rocking chair or being carried in a sling will lull baby to sleep.
  • Offer your child a cup of warm milk before going to bed. This may help him get to sleep.
  • Leave the door open for a toddler to feel secure.
  • If your child will go to bed only if you are around, then teach him how to soothe himself to sleep.


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