Understanding Childhood ADHD Symptoms

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a growing concern among parents and teachers today. Research studies show that 3% to 5% of kids globally are affected with it.

Since its discovery in the 1970’s there have been growing controversies in its diagnosis and treatment. While research continues on the different treatment modalities, you will benefit a lot by understanding the condition to better manage your kids and loved ones.

ADHD is a chronic neurobehavioral and developmental condition that continues until adult age and what’s important is to teach coping mechanisms while the kids are young, so they can better deal with it when they become adults.

It is significant to mention that the downside of the inability to cope with the symptoms during childhood is the development of more serious psychiatric problems later on in life like conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, antisocial personality disorder, mood and bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders.

There are basically three subtypes of ADHD, the symptoms of which are seen before the age of seven years old. The subtypes include: the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, the predominantly inattentive and the combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive type. Most children diagnosed to have ADHD fall in the combined category.

For you to initially categorize your kid’s type of ADHD here is a checklist of the usual symptoms:

For predominantly inattentive type:

  • Easily distracted, forgetful of things and short attention span
  • Difficulty focusing and misses out on details
  • Easily gets bored
  • Unable to organize and complete tasks
  • Often looses things
  • Does not pay attention when spoken to
  • Often daydreams, move too slow and gets confused easily
  • Difficulty following instructions

For the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type:

  • Very impatient and cannot wait turns
  • Often fidget and squirms and have trouble sitting down
  • Moves around constantly like driven by a motor or machine
  • Talks nonstop
  • Difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities
  • Often blurts out comments, very emotional and expresses feelings without restraint

These symptoms mentioned are commonly seen among children with ADHD, what about when they become adults? Research studies showed that 60% of children with ADHD continue to manifest symptoms until adulthood. Symptoms may include:

  • A chaotic lifestyle
  • Poor appearance and hygiene
  • Disorganized at home and work
  • Often change jobs
  • Hooked to cigarette and alcohol and even prescribed drugs.

These manifestations are a result of inability to cope up with their disabilities and if left untreated may end up as psychiatric comorbidities like substance abuse, depression and other conditions mentioned earlier.


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