Know The Perfect Manner Of Feeding Newborn That Will Help In Improving Nutritional Values

Feeding newborn baby in the perfect manner makes him to stay fit and fine with good nutritional values.

Your newborn baby will be small enough, so he can’t take all the foods which have good nutritional value.

The one and only source for him to obtain good nutrition is milk i.e., breast milk or bottle milk.

But, the nutritional values that are present in the breast milk will be more when compared to the bottle milk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is more concerned on the care required for feeding newborn and supports to give breast milk.Feeding Newborn

Feeding is more recommended for the infants who are aged less than 6 months because they will be too small and they require proper nutrition in order to attain growth or development in their body.

Here are some advantages for infants with breast feeding:

  • The digestive track of your infant will be fine without any problems.
  • The essential vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins which are required for your newborn will be attained from mother’s milk.
  • Breast milk will have all the components which are essential for the growth of your newborn like lactose, casein, whey protein, and fat. These things will be digested easily in your newborn’s immature digestive system.
  • Breast milk contains some antibodies which will be more helpful for the infants to fight against some infectious diseases.
  • Researches and studies has also proved that some medical problems including diabetes, asthma, allergies and high cholesterol will be less obtained by feeding newborn with breast milk.
  • Breast feeding is also helpful for the new moms. it makes them to burn calories and also helpful to shrink uterus.
  • Breast and ovarian cancers, which affects the new moms, will also be reduced by feeding newborn through breast.
  • Emotional connection will also be developed in mother and child with skin to skin contact.

Keeping these things in mind, give good nutrition values for your child and encourage the growth of him/her with breast feeding, unless and until you don’t have any health problems or complications with in you.

This breast feeding is especially recommended for the infants who are aged between 0 to 8 or 12 months. After this, you can give bottle feeding for your child.

Bottle feeding offers more flexibilities and freedom for you because it makes you to know how much nutrition that the baby is getting and still how much is required for him.

You should also provide water, other foods (which can be digested easily in the infant digestive system) and juice for your infant when his age is below 6 months. These foods are also helpful to attain the required nutrition necessary for your infants.


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