5 Tips to Deal with Abandonment Issues in Kids

A lot of kids and children may face abandonment issues atleast once during their early years in life.  There could be many reasons behind this and this doesn’t necessarily have to be a sign of bad parenting.  While most of us relate abandonment to physical issues like lack in nourishment etc, there could be other signs of it as well.

While we are busy providing the basic needs to our children, we sometimes forget to observe these signs. But there are many ways to deal with abandonment issues in kids and the following are the top 5 of them.

tips to deal with abandonment issues in kids

1. Pause

The first step or tip to deal with abandonment issues among kids is to pause your busy life and let your children express themselves to you.  Listen to what they have to say and give them all the time that they deserve from you.  Allow the emotions to surface and do not interrupt them while they are talking.

2. Validate

The next step is to let your child know that it is okay to feel what he is feeling and that you understand. Your validation is very important for your child and once you say ‘its okay’, the child won’t hesitate in bringing up his feelings from next time.  If you express anger or resentment, the child may continue feeling abandoned by you and won’t be able to speak his heart out.

3. Label

The next step or tip for you to follow is to help the child label his emotions.  Children may use just one label for various emotions but it is important to let them know the exact term. For example, if he is feeling jealous, he may think of the feeling as ‘sadness’. But it is your job to tell him that what he is feeling is jealousy.

4. Empathize

Try to think of a time when you went through the same issues as your child and tell that story to your child.  This will make him feel that what he is feeling is normal and he doesn’t need to be shy, sad or uncomfortable about it.

5. Create a Happy Atmosphere

It is your job as a parent to create and maintain a happy atmosphere at home. Make sure you communicate with your children, listen to their opinion and always watch out for signs of abandonment emotions in them.


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