What Is Bedwetting and When Is It a Cause for Concern?

Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is the involuntary passing of urine while asleep and is one of the most common child related health issues. Before...

Is Your Child Spoiled Or Simply Has Real Problems?

Everyone knows that children can be handful and some more than others. But is it only a natural stage of childhood development? Could there...

Who Is to Blame for Media Violence and Children?

Those of you who are concerned about the relationship between media violence and children are definitely going to need to take matters into your...

How To Deal With Discipline When Your Step Child Is Dissing...

If parenting is the hardest job in the world then step parenting is close to impossible. Apart from household and other works, the most...

7 Tips To Control Television Viewing In Children!

Many kids spend their time in front of television before they enter school. If your kid is spending much time in front of television, he can face different problems.

Ways Of Effective Parenting In Bringing Up Your Children With Discipline!

Consistency is the key for effective parenting. Both punishment and praise are involved in effective parenting. Your reactions to good behavior or misbehavior should...

Healthy Eating Facts for Kids

If you happen to be interested in the healthy eating facts for kids, you should know that the children usually eat the food that they have...

Kids Mimic Parents’ Diets From An Early Age

Parents who want their preschoolers to eat their vegetables may need to take a hard look at their own eating habits, new research suggests. In...

Top 5 Proper Children Discipline Secrets

As a parent, there will come a time when we have no choice but to have to impose children discipline whenever the need arises. It...

Why Some Kids Are Bullied From the Start?

Up to one in 10 children fall into ongoing patterns of abuse and victimization by peers starting almost as soon as they...

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