Becoming A Step Parent Is Daunting! Easier Ways To Strengthen Relationship...

Step families are also called as blended families. A step family must tackle many issues including loyalty conflicts. Parents in remarried families tries to...

Fed With Sibling Rivalries? Simple Ideas To Prevent Siblings Fight!

Parents of these days face several different concerns with their children. Of these, sibling rivalry is one of the most common and ...

One, Two or More? How Many Children Are Ideal?

Some of us like the fact that one child is the focus of our attention, financial and other resources as well as our time...

Hoping and Helping Children Cope with Divorce

There are a lot of different things that you can do when it comes to helping children cope with divorce, so you should not think...

Spanking and Using Violence Against Children

There has long been a debate over whether or not parents should use violence against children, and it would be very hard to say...

How To Handle Jealousy Between Siblings?

I am sure we have all experienced, at one time or another, the feeling of jealousy that rages at times between siblings,...

Key Considerations When Parents Decide to Separate

Making the decision to separate from your partner is certainly not an easy one, especially if you have children to consider. But if you...

Tips for Dealing with Sibling Rivalry

Do your children seem to constantly fight and fuss with each other? Don’t worry! You’re not alone. Sibling rivalry is quite common and often...

Facts on How Divorce Affects Children

For a long time many people said that if the parents aren’t happy, the children aren’t happy so sometimes it is better to get...

Moving Out – When Should Your Child Move Out Of The...

To begin with, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. There are of course cultural variances that determine when and if children move...

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