Exercise Tips for New Mums and Dads – Part 2

We discussed some exercise tips for new mums and dads in our last post. Here are some more tips that you may find really useful –

  • A baby sling will let you take baby along for walks while at the same time keep them snuggled close to you; warm and snug and very reassured.
  • Get a pedometer that will help keep track of how active you are. Look for one that keeps track of the number of steps taken, calories burnt, and so on. Some have a memory and aerobic mode for increased intensity which may also be a good idea to look for.
  • Mummy and baby classes involve exercises performed along with baby, under the guidance of a trainer. They can be pretty flexible; choose the kind that works for you.
  • Invest in good sports or walking shoes. The really high tech kind of shoes have been specially developed to give certain muscles of the body an extra work out, so that you can tone up the leg and rear end muscles better.
  • There are many post pregnancy work out DVDs available – these help by giving you information about the best kinds of exercises for new mums, to help new mums regain their pre-pregnancy shapes in no time!


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