Home Child Health & Disorders

Child Health & Disorders

Recognizing Brain Injury In Children

When children play, they fall and occasionally hit their heads. A simple checklist can help you determine whether a bump on the head...

Swine Flu Drug May Cause Nightmares In Children

Recent research suggests that more than half of kids taking Tamiflu, swine flu drug, are experiencing side effects such as nightmares and nausea. It...

Helping Your Children Stay Safe From The Flu

Many of the same precautions that works to prevent swine flu are the precautions you should be following to help prevent the...

Preventing Cold In Children With Probiotics

According to a recent study done in china, it was reported that children who drank a mixture of bacteria, known as probiotics like milk...

Mom, My Ear Hurts: Recognizing Signs Of An Ear Infection

Truthfully, the issue with childhood ear infections is not when the kid is old enough to actually tell you that their ear hurts,...

Tonsillectomy May Help Kids With Sleep And Behavior Problem

A new study found that removal of tonsils and adenoids in kids with breathing problems could help to get more sleep, but for...

Caring For A Child With Diarrhea

Every child has different bowel habits. Some children go more frequently than others, and some children typically have softer stools than others. A...

Is There A Link Between Vaccines And Autism?

Is there a link between vaccines and child autism? Unfortunately, this is a question with no simple answer at this point. A number...

Could My Child Have Asthma?

Did you know that nearly 7 million children have been diagnosed with asthma? Asthma can be hard to diagnose in children, because what...

Recognizing Depression In Children

Our mental image of children is one of happiness--children playing, children laughing. We do not readily think of children as being depressed. Depression...

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