Infant Separation Anxiety Is Common In The Developmental Phase!

Is it not exciting when your infant preferred you to anyone else on the planet?

As infant crosses six months, he feels apart whenever you go to the bathroom or kitchen without him.

His attachment is completely obsessive. This behavior is common in the developmental phase and it is not permanent.

New skills! A new intellectual skill will be developed in an infant which is called object permanence. It is nothing but the ability to remember things and specific persons that are not present.

Your infant can have the mental picture of you and when you are not present, infant separation anxiety develops.Infant Separation Anxiety

Make your infant learn! Infants learn about people leaving before they learn about people returning. Your infant can easily identify from the actions and from environment that you are getting ready to leave and infant separation anxiety starts.

Daily your infant will not know when you will come back. As your infant knows about your returns, infant separation anxiety decreases.

As your infant has learned about leaving, you should make them learn about returning. You can play separation games with them to have practice. Simply you can use objects like blankets or stuffed toys to minimize separation anxiety.

Loving attachment! You can make out that infant separation anxiety forms a healthy and loving attachment to you. It is a good sign that your infant associates comfort, pleasure and security with your presence.

You should not worry because your infant is developing intellectually. Your infant learns her needs and not accepts any situation which makes her comfortable. Your infant does not know that when you leave you will come back.

Yes, obviously you are the source of nourishment physically and emotionally for your infant and the attachment to you is the source of survival. Your infant realizes this when he reaches a certain level of intellectual maturity.

Your infant also realizes that he is the happiest, safest and best cared for by you and to separate from you makes separation anxiety. Infant separation anxiety can be spotted easily. You are reading this article because you have identified in your infant.

You can see the following behavior in your infant if he has infant separation anxiety. Infant separation anxiety behaviors are crying when a parent is out of sight, clinginess, strong preference to only one parent, walking at night crying for parent, and fear of strangers.

You can help your infant from infant separation anxiety. Allow your infant to be an infant. It is wonderful that your infant is attached to you. No need to worry that too much love spoils your infant, since quite opposite will happen.

If you meet the attachment needs during babyhood, they can become more secure and confident. You can minimize the separations when possible.

It is acceptable to avoid situations that separate you from your infant. Your infant will move to the next developmental stages overcoming infant separation anxiety problem.


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