Money for Old Clothes: Earn Cash with Your Kid’s Old Wardrobe

With the season about to turn from winter to spring, and our kids growing up relentlessly, it’s out with the old and in with the new for their wardrobes. But before ditching unwanted dresses, trousers and tops, it’s best to not only think of the bin.

It can seem only too easy to throw it all into a black bin liner so the unwanted garments end up in the tip, but don’t forget how much those clothes cost you in the first place, and how most items are still perfectly good to wear. Hundreds of pounds’ worth of good clothes can be binned.

Before throwing away unwanted and out-grown clothes take them out the wardrobe and place them on the bed. Take a look and consider:


  •         Are they the right size?
  •         Are they actually in a bad condition?
  •         Are they versatile?
  •         Could someone else still enjoy these?

In the event that some clothes still fit or are ‘basics’ that your kid will be able to wear no matter their taste, then you may be best served by retaining them. If clothes are tatty or painfully out of date, the binbag might be the best place for them. But when clothes are still in great condition and will be appreciated by other people, you could make some money from them.

It’s always possible to recycle clothes, but at a time when we could do with a little help recycling clothes for cash may well be the more sensible option – especially as your children will need new clothes!

This is where a quick jump online can reap rewards. A quick click on musicMagpie shows how easy it is to sell unwanted clothes for cash quickly, without any hassle and for free. An easy to use quote system will tell you how much money you can expect from each item, so you can work out what your pile of previously worthless unwanted clothes are really worth in cash. Then all you have to do is take them to one of 5,000 local Send Shops, or make use of the fully-insured courier service that is also totally free.

Getting money for your child’s old clothes is a great way of squeezing value out of items that, depending on how quickly your son or daughter is growing up, your child may have only had fleeting use of. With the development of sites like musicMagpie you don’t even need to brave the early starts and potential disappointments of car boot sales, not to mention the unpredictable weather!


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