How to deal with Curious Teens?

Teenage is the age when kids are growing up and facing a lot of physical as well as mental changes. The hormonal changes which occur suddenly tend to make teenagers curious about everything that is happening with their body as well as minds. They are equally curious about things happening in the lives of adults and they are attracted towards unexpected discoveries. Though it is said that curiosity is always good as it creates learning of new things and advances growth, there are some instances where parents find it difficult to deal with teenage curiosity, especially about adulthood. Read the tips given below to deal with this:

mom n teen

  • The key element is communication. It is said that as a child grows up, parents need to become friends with them. Communicate with them regularly and ask them about their daily schedule. Encourage them to share things with you by being friendly to them.
  • Do not restrict them too much. This will make them drift away from you more and you will never be able to talk to them about the topic they are curious about.
  • Stay informed about the current teenager trends so that whenever they ask you a question about anything being right or wrong, you are able to give them the right answer and guide them properly.
  • Do not scold them if you find the question inappropriate. Instead, explain them positively why you cannot give an answer to the question and tell them that they are going to know everything once they are at the right age. Tell them why it is right to know everything at the appropriate age.
  • If they ask you questions related to drugs or sex, tell them the serious consequences behind it and do not feel shy about it at all, because if they try to seek answers to it from their peers, it would often lead to misinformation for them. Tell them about the basic legalities behind this too.
  • Do not ever ignore their questions because if you ignore them, they would ask it to someone else and can be misled. Hence, make sure that you answer all of them in a friendly way.
  • When they are curious or irritated with the physical changes, tell them how you went through them in your teenage and how you dealt with it positively. Do not give negative examples to your teenage kids.


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