Is Your Child Being Bullied?

There’s a fine line between “kids being kid” and “kids being bullies.”

As a parent, you need to recognize signs that your child may be being bullied, and help your child recognize behavior that crosses the line.

Early intervention is important because the greater the amount of bullying a child is subjected to, the greater his likelihood of having psychiatric problems as an adult. [child bullying]child bullying

Psychotic symptoms were seen twice as often in adult who were bullied as children; these symptoms can include thought disorders and hallucinations.

Common bullying behaviors include hitting or beating other children. A bully may call another child names and threaten or blackmail him. Property may be stolen from the child.

A bully may trick a child or force him to treat others badly or exhibit other behaviors against the victim’s will.

Bullies often spread rumors and lies about children; this is increasingly done online. Victims may be excluded socially, excluded from games, or their games may be intentionally spoiled so they will become upset.

The best way to find out if your child is being bullied is to have a good relationship with your child so that they feel comfortable talking with you.

If you notice your child becoming withdrawn, or becoming emotionally upset more easily, or any other signs of changes in normal behavior, talk with your child, his pediatrician, or school counselor.


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