Are You Using The Web To Push Your Child To Fame?

Consider the story of Justin Bieber and how he became this almost overnight sensation; one that regularly follows Twitter. His journey to his present popularity began as a fairly innocuous manner and Youtube was the vehicle.

His mother posted his videos online for friends and family to be able to see his performances. Marketing manager Scooter Braun spotted the video and the boy’s talent and got him to meet Usher. The rest, as they say, is history.

youtubeIf you have done similar things as this: posted your child’s video online because you thought he or she was just so adorable, so very talented or just unique then consider your actions again.

Sure this is a way of sharing with friends and family, but this ought not to turn into a parent’s quest for their 15 minutes of fame, warn experts.

Consider the implications that such self promotion could have on issues such as a child’s self esteem and self worth. It puts pressure on a child, particularly if there is some expectation of appreciation or some opportunity from it. This puts a child in the public eye and leaves him or her open to criticism or negativity.

So if you must put your child’s video online, consider your reasons behind it, and more importantly, consider consequences of your actions.

Source: Fox News


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