How To Develop Positive Discipline In Children?

While all parents want to teach their children positive discipline [Child disciplining], it is an accepted fact that getting them to adopt good behaviour is not as easy as adopting bad.

Usually, children are more attracted to undisciplined acts more than disciplined ones because they require less effort and seem more spontaneous.

To teach positive discipline, as a parent, you need to invest in spending time with your children to understand their bad attitudes, behaviour, and mental growth, in order to find out what works best for them.

Remember that parents are the children’s first teachers. You can make your children learn self-control, ways to get along with others, self-help, and other aspects of socialization, but this is only possible when both parents and teachers are involved continuously in encouraging preferred behaviours, boundary limits, etc.

Effective Discipline Techniques

Because children follow what you do rather than what you say, it is important for you to maintain consistency. You will need to consistently follow a set of values that are important to you.

To teach your children standards and moral values, discuss them with your children on a personal level, rather than relying on schools, churches and other institutions to teach them.

When your children are disobedient, try not to overreact in front of them. This reaction may cause you to lose control, rather than providing them with a source of security.

The most important, and most difficult, aspect in providing positive discipline to your children is administering punishment wisely. When your children disobey, the goal is to guide them correctly, smoothly and lovingly while explaining the wrong they have done and demonstrating the appropriate way to do the right thing.

Institute values in such a way that shows discipline is not all about yelling, receiving punishments and scolding. Because parents are a mirror to their children, you need to demonstrate confidence in your actions to show what you mean by positive discipline.

By complementing discipline with a sense of freedom, you let them know that you love and care for them a lot.

Explain the concept of positive discipline by using natural consequences as a benchmark. For example, if your children throw a toy or ball out of the window, explain to them rationally that if they throw the toys out, they cannot play with it.

The best way to achieve these goals is by showing affection and love towards your children. Many studies have shown that if they feel pain while learning positive discipline through physical punishment such as slapping or hitting, or verbal abuse, discipline will never work well. Just the opposite, children tend to learn what they should not.

All children need help in learning positive discipline and good behaviour. The easiest way for you to judge if a discipline method has worked on your child is by observing whether your children are carrying out more acceptable than unacceptable behaviour.


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