Make Potty Training Easier Process For Your Child!

Potty training your child can be difficult and you have to clean up the mess when your child do not use potty.

Potty training is an important step in the child’s development process.

Once you learn how to potty train your child, it will become easier for you and your child.

Potty training! Potty training should start in between the age of one and half to three years old.

You can know when your child is ready for potty training by observing the dry diaper for long hours. When your child maintains diaper dry for at least two hours, then your child is ready for potty training.Potty Training

When you start the training, your child should be in a position to understand what you are saying and what are the instructions to follow. When your child is ready for training, he may feel discomfort in the dirty diapers.

Physical readiness! Before going for potty, you have to see whether your child is able to walk well, pull his pants up and down and ability to get up or sit down on the chair.

Getting a potty chair! When your child is ready to use potty, get a potty chair. Give the potty chair to your child so that they can decorate or use some stickers to put on it.

Teach your child how to sit on the potty chair while keeping their clothes on and while watching the television. [Girl Potty Training]

Make it a habit! Your child should accustom to the chair. So, make your child to sit on the chair for few minutes at a time. Whenever your child has to go to toilet, show them the potty and ask him to sit on it, even if diapers are present.

Once they finish, open the diaper and put the mess in the potty. In this way, your child understands what exactly the potty is used for.

Stick to the process! Always stick to the same process as it helps your child to change from diapers to potty. Once they are habituated to potty, you can take out the diapers and put the underwear.

Sources for potty training! You can get some video tapes and books which have potty training. When you play the video tape, your child observes and learns what for potty is used.

You can also show them in the book and explain how potty is used. When they see video and books, they become less confused and learn potty training easily and quickly.

Avoid potty training! Avoid potty when you are going through a traumatic events in life. Postpone the potty training when you are shifting from one place to another. Delay the potty training when a new born enters into the home because they may feel they are neglected.

Also, remember that when your child is not ready for potty, do not pressurize or force him too much. Avoid the training when your child had met with an accident. Encourage your child towards potty training and always support them.


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