5 Common Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid

There comes a time in raising each baby when the parents have to let him experience potty training.  This time is difficult for both the baby as well as for the parents.  Not only can it be a long and drawn out horror story but can also throw a few surprises at you.  But if done correctly, potty training can be completed in 3-4 days to maximum a week.  Most parents tend to make many potty training mistakes and the following are the top 5 of them.

potty training mistakes to avoid

1. Pushing Kids before they are Ready

There is no fixed age when a child must learn to go to the toilet. This is just a development milestone for which you must try but not push the child.  If you push the child before he/she is ready, then the whole thing could backfire and will make him/her cranky and afraid to try even at a later stage.  Check out for signs that the child is ready to fix this problem.

2. Switching Back to Diapers at Bedtime or When Going Out

Many parents tend to switch back to diapers as per their or the child’s convenience but this is just a wrong way of potty training and can spoil the child’s habits.  This gives the child mixed messages and must be avoided.

3. Using Regular Underwear

When you start with potty training for your child, then using regular underwear is also a common mistake which many parents tend to make.  This is a problem because regular underwear has a material which might not suit the skin of the child.  Thus it is better to get thick underwear which does not leak even when the child mistakenly pees the pants.

4. Getting Upset Over Accidents

Yes, it might be difficult not to get upset over small accidents or mistakes but you have to learn to be patient and forgiving. Afterall, it’s a big change in a child’s life and a few mistakes here and there should be acceptable for you.

5. Not Keeping an Eye Out for Signals

Just because you have trained your child for a few days doesn’t mean he/she has become an expert.  You must watch out for the signals that the child wants to pee or poo.  The signals might be different each time but with a watchful eye, this shouldn’t be a tough task for you.


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