Starting Your Child Out On Green Concepts

There is much you can do as a parent to introduce some green concepts to your children, which will stand ...

You Might be Surprised What Hides Behind Your Jokes

Parents sometime forget that some of their grown-up jokes are not suitable for their children ears. Usually children see these jokes directly reported...

Physically Active Teen Boys Tend To Be Smarter, Study Says

According to a Swedish study, physically active boys tend to be snarter than their couch-potato counterparts. The investigators say, physical education in schools not only...

Encouraging Your Child To Be Active Rather Than Lazy

There are many ways to avoid laziness in your child. The first step is to set a good example. It is good to do...

The Internet: When Can You Introduce To Your Child?

You can start your child off onto the wonders of the internet as soon as he or she is old enough to read...

Starting Your Child On A Hobby

For all of us who have a cherished hobby, we know the value of having something in our lives that we can be...

How To Turn Children’s Video Games To Your Advantage And Limit...

Let’s face it; video games are part of our children’s lives and there is no way that we can completely eradicate them from...

Playgrounds Still Fall Short On Safety

Playgrounds have been improved now compared to the olden days. Monkey bars and hot metal slides have been replaced by colorful plastic castles with...

Just How Dangerous Is Cheerleading?

When you think about dangerous sports your high-school aged child might want to participate in, chances are you think of contact sports,...

Proper Play Date Etiquette

It is wonderful when you find children who love to play with your children. Here are some rules you should follow to make...

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