Study Shows Link Between Spanking And Physical Abuse

Spanking has been, and still is, a common method of child discipline used by American parents. But mothers who report that they or their partner...

How To Deal With Discipline When Your Step Child Is Dissing...

If parenting is the hardest job in the world then step parenting is close to impossible. Apart from household and other works, the most...

Is Your Child Spoiled Or Simply Has Real Problems?

Everyone knows that children can be handful and some more than others. But is it only a natural stage of childhood development? Could there...

The Process of Moral Development in Children

For some people, morals are not instilled into the human mind at a young age. Most people are not born into this world with...

How Fathers Can Become Better Disciplinarians?

The idea of being a strict disciplinarian is fraught with problems. The idea that harshness equals discipline is being disproved again and again. In ...

How To Incorporate Effective Toddler Discipline Without Spanking?

There are ups and downs in parenting and there are chances of making plenty of mistakes along the way. One of the major...

Top 5 Proper Children Discipline Secrets

As a parent, there will come a time when we have no choice but to have to impose children discipline whenever the need arises. It...

Teaching Children the Importance of Not Wasting

Waste not, Want not said a wise man and not wasting any kind of resource, be it food, water, clothing, time, money or any...

Teach Your Kids About Self Control – It Could Improve School...

Parents who are able to instill in their children qualities of self control are probably enabling them to deal with violence and bullying from...

5 Tips to Improve Positive Discipline In Children

While discipline is a positive virtue in any person’s life, when it comes to using the word for children it has prerogative connotations of...

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