Home Child Health & Disorders

Child Health & Disorders

Types of Sleep Disorders in Children

When thinking about the types of sleep disorders in children, you should know that some of them are quite common and they are relatively easy to...

Healthy Eating Facts for Kids

If you happen to be interested in the healthy eating facts for kids, you should know that the children usually eat the food that they have...

Healthy Diet for Kids

In case you are looking for healthy diet for kids, you should know that the basis is the same as in case of the diet of...

Psychological Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Although we are living in a modern era, there are still a lot of people who consider themselves living in barbaric ages when domestic...

Conduct Disorder in Children Symptoms

In case you are looking for the conduct disorder in children symptoms, you should know that this is a behavior disorder with specific destructive and aggressive activities. This is one of the most common...

Childhood Obesity Paves Way for Greater Health Risks

Researchers at UCLA have studied childhood obesity and found that obese children carry larger risks than thought to be. The findings of this study...
Handle Eczema

How to Handle Eczema in Babies and Young Children

A lot of babies and young children will get a rash at some point, but eczema is an itchy rash, which encourages children to...

Most Common Mental Illness in Children and Their Symptoms

Statistics show that mental illness in children is a worryingly common phenomenon: as many as 20% of American children could have a diagnosable ailment. As many as 5 million children could have...

Identifying Seasonal Allergies in Your Child

It can be difficult for a parent to identify a seasonal allergy in their child. This is because the symptomsof an allergy can be much the same as a...

Identifying Seasonal Allergies in Your Child

It can be difficult for a parent to identify a seasonal allergy in their child. This is because the symptoms of an allergy can be much...

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