Single Sex Schooling Much Better For Girls

New research shows that girls who attend single sex schools are more likely to get better exam results than those that don’t.

In particular those starting out with a below average grade level will benefit the most from an all female education.

The study carried out by the Good Schools Guide in the UK, looked at exam results over a two year period.

Of over 70,000 girls who attended single sex schools all of them did better than expected in their age relevant tests, compared to the over half a million female students in mixed education who did 20% worse than predicted by

It is commonly believed that by attending a school with an equal ratio of boys and girls results in a more rounded and relevant system of learning. That creates the perfect jumping board for the world of work and a career in the modern world.

The number of all girl schools in Britain is on the decline and there are now only 220,000 females taught in these types of establishments. This is a tiny minority of the total three million pupils in the education system currently.

The most interesting fact is that pupils who need to improve their grades would definitely benefit from this type of education. It will almost certainly re-open the debate over the availability of single sexed schools to a bigger social scale than is currently the case. Only wealthy pupils can presently avail of this system of education.

The editor of the Good School Guide, Janette Wallis, admits that the facts could be down to pushy parents who seek out these schools but believes that working without the distraction of the opposite sex can make a big difference.


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