Infant Growth Chart – Helps To Know The Proper Development Of Your Child!

Infant growth chart is usually used by the doctor to know the health conditions and whether your child is growing normally or not.

There are some infant growth chart facts and how they are related to your infant’s health.

The infant growth chart is used by the doctor as standard part for check ups and how your child is growing compared to other children of same gender and age.

This is also helpful in knowing whether the children are developing proportionately or not.

For example, if a child is growing in the same pattern for the 2 years and suddenly if there is any change in his growth, it means that there is some health problem. This can be known by looking at the growth chart.infant growth chart

The factors that affect the baby growth chart are gender, genetics, health problems, physical activity, nutrition, hormones and environment.

There might not be any problem if the growth patterns are different in your child. Your child will be interpreted by the doctor at their overall genetic background, environment, well-being or other developmental milestones met by your child.

Is there any sign that your child is not healthy? Is your child born prematurely? These factors help the doctor to understand the numbers on baby growth chart [Special care for premature baby].

All kids are measured on different growth charts because they grow at different rates and in different patterns. Babies from their birth to 36 months have one set of growth chart.

For kids of 2 to 20 years, another set of growth chart is used. For the children with Down syndrome, special growth charts are used.

The measurements that are put on kids growth chart include the length, head circumference and weight of babies until 36 months. Height, body mass index and weight are measured in older children by doctors. To get complete picture of your child’s growth, it is important to know their height and weight [Measuring baby growth].

The brain development in your child can be provided by the head circumference. There can be some problems if your child’s head is smaller or bigger than other kids or if the head circumference increases quickly or the increasing is stopped.

For example, a large head is a sign of fluid build in the brain (hydrocephalus). If the head is smaller than average, it shows that the brain growth has stopped or it is not developing properly.

The percentiles are the curved lines drawn on the infants growth chart. The doctor plots your child’s height and weight on chart to see which percentile line lands on the measurements.

If the percentile line is higher, then your child is bigger when compared to other children of same gender and age. If the percentile line is lower, then your child is smaller.

If there are any questions regarding your child’s growth charts or growth, you can consult the doctor.

By the infant growth chart, you can know whether your child is growing proportionately when compared to other children of same age and gender.


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