How to Deal With a Fussy Child?

Are you a parent who is continuously dealing with a fussy child? If yes, you are not alone. Fussiness is common in growing children, especially if you are a working parent and are not being able to give enough time and attention to your kids.

Here are some reasons why children could become fussy:

Health Reasons

Children become fussy for many reasons; some of them being health reasons, where a child is not able to express his or her problem in clear words. It requires great patience to be able to diagnose the child’s problem before you get irritated about the fuss. Ask questions and find out.

Social Issues

Another reason could be social issues like ‘not being able to make friends’ or ‘not accepted by their own social group for some reason,’ or something as simple as a wrong haircut, which is too big a reason for the kid, to have cut his self-confidence. Putting an effort to find out is worth it. Be your kid’s friend.

Attention Seeking

Fuss can also stem from the great need to get your attention. Children become attention seekers when they feel that they are not getting enough of your attention. Giving in sometimes or balancing your time so as to give them enough quality time is a great idea. Pay attention.

Eating Habits

Many children throw tantrums at the dining table and if your child is one of them, do not panic. Be a patient example to them. The more they see you patiently eating what is served, and not getting worked up about their fuss, the sooner they will give in. They will eventually get tired of fussing. Be assertive.


Moody kids are very difficult to deal with at times. They surely test your patience. They will complain a lot and easily irritable. There always is an underlying problem for what seems not serious at a first glance. Spend more time with your kid to find out what must be causing the moodiness. Help your child.

Good child behavior is a direct reflection of affectionate and caring parents. Be patient with your child and see him/her grow into a caring and a socially confidant individual.  What happens at home plays a major part in children becoming what they become.  In other words, you are directly and indirectly responsible for the way your child behaves, responds and acts.


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