Homeschooling: An Educational Boon or Curse

Homeschooling involves educating pupils at home without assistance of any educational institution. This method of education has arrived with inflaming popularity, with the growth rate being 7 to 15 percent per annum. Homeschooling children execute good performance in standardized examinations; can be successfully admitted to colleges and universities for pursuing higher studies, have been reportedly diligent employees and self-directed learners.

Several parents worldwide choose to homeschool their children due to dissatisfaction towards the conventional educational methods and organizations or due to religious norms. Homeschooling is a meticulously debated method of education, the eventual outcome being that homeschooling comes with several pros and cons, both of which are equally plausible, but, they do not harm the educational scenario in drastic ways.

This article aims to serve as a guideline for those parents who wish to subject their children in homeschooling.


Pros and cons of home schooling

The positive aspects of homeschooling have been arrayed below:

Freedom of Education

Homeschooling is one of the measures taken by the guardians to ensure the educational freedom of their children. Educational freedom comply the philosophy of letting the scholar learn and progress with the subject they want, for as long as they desire. However, this doesn’t mean that the basics are disregarded. They are covered on the basis of the scholar’s maturity, ability and educational interests.

Freedom to Take Breaks

The fetters of the rigid school curriculum, limit requirements of refreshment for the student as well as his family. The families involved in home-schooling can plan weekly or monthly vacations. This shows that homeschooling has opened the doors to live the life according to your provisions not of any other institution.

Freedom of Emotions

Unfortunately, identity crisis, peer pressure, boredom, competition and bullies have conformed the institutional schooling. This problem is evaded with homeschooling methods as homeschooled children do not fear being ridiculed, since; they have not been dictated by pubescent trends guiding their behavioral traits.

Freedom of Religious Practices

According to several families, religious and spiritual norms should comprise in the educational tradition. In order to achieve this homeschooling methods have been adapted, which help in incorporating religiosity in the contemporary lives.

However, homeschooling has a few drawbacks which achieve as much prominence as its beneficial side, some of which have been given below:

Time Constraints

Homeschooling is a time consuming job. It demands investment of a prominent amount of time from parental side. Situations are more difficult for single mothers who have to adjust their schedule between their profession and homeschooling their children.

Financial Barriers

Freedom of learning demands capital. Homeschooling is an expensive procedure, not only in terms of time, but also money. Most homeschooling parents have to forego full-time employment in order to procure the budget of homeschooling.

Limited Team Work

Homeschooling children often face challenges when they desire to enroll in sports teams. Moreover, secluded learning process limit your interaction with various people and hence limit your behavioral versatility. This includes intolerance, refusal to compromise with situations, and inadaptability in team works.

Facing the Eccentricity

Homeschooling children are not always accepted or rebuked by their institutional-schooling based contemporaries. This is because, homeschooling has not been considered as the conventional method of teaching. As an employee of high school student, pupils having a homeschooling background are often looked down as the ones having limited knowledge regarding things outside the custody of home.

Hence, homeschooling is an innovative method of execution of knowledge and morality. It bears as much success as institutional educational institutional system provides, hence, if you, as parent aspire to homeschool your children, consider these aspects before implementing your choices.


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