5 Tips for Potty Training your Twins

Raising twins can be both a very fun experience as well as challenging as far as parenting is concerned. They may look alike but their habits, ability to learn things and other things may not be as similar and this is where the real challenge lies.

Potty training is already a difficult task for parents, let alone potty training two children simultaneously. If you are a parent of twins and need to do this daunting task soon, then the following given tips and suggestions might prove helpful for you.

tips for potty training your twins

1. Make it Fun

One of the best things you can do to potty train your twin easily is to make it seem like a really fun experience.  Use potty training systems that are portable, colorful and easy to use for the toddlers.  Before beginning, look for signs that indicate that each child is ready to begin and has started showing interest in using the toilet. He/she must be over 2 years of age for you to begin potty training.

2. Get a Separate Potty for Each Child

It is best to have one potty per child. Choose either the same color for both or get their individual favorite colors so that they don’t fight over it.  By choosing their favorite colors, you can make them feel like their potty is their possession.

3. Don’t Add Pressure or Anxiety

Go about the process slowly and do not pressurize the kids to learn quickly. By doing so, you will only make them lose interest. If one is doing better than the other, then rather than comparing, encourage both together.  Each child is unique and even twins can have different rate or speed of learning.

4. Choose Timing Wisely

It is not necessary that the twins will be ready to poop always at the same time and hence you cannot always aim to train them together. So choose the timing of training wisely and make it part of their daily schedule for them to get used to the prospect.

5. Answer their Questions Smartly

The twins will definitely have many questions and their focus may also shift to what the other is doing. Answer their questions patiently and smartly and explain to them the importance of what they are learning.  Don’t lose patience if they ask too many questions or don’t show progress for a long time.


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