Group Says Kids TV Shows Should Not Be Used A Sleeping Pill

It is not uncommon for all kinds of pressure groups to voice their complaints and concerns about TV content.

Many individuals and organizations are concerned about what they consider to be inappropriate programming that has excessive violence and sexual content.

But now a new pressure group known as CCFC (Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood) is targeting a slightly different area of TV that is not known for its racy sex scenes or numerous onscreen murders.

CCFC has voiced its concerns and made complaints about the PBS owned Kids’ Sprout network which has a target audience of children aged from two to five.watchingtv

The basis of their complaints is that a particular show by the name of “The Good Night Show,” makes little ones feel overly sleepy. The offending TV shows include such items as “The Berenstain Bears.” as well as the kiddies classic “Thomas the Tank Engine”.

The network airs these “Good Night” TV shows from 6 to 9pm each evening. The basis of the CCFC worries is that the shows are a kind of artificial sleep induced for little children.

This was a point that they may when they sent a letter to President of the TV network Sandy Wax. They went on to state that they considered that PBS had an obligation not to exploit the American public’s trust.

And that they should not continue to promote the shows as a way of inducing small children to sleep.


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