Child Medicine! How Can You Help Your Child To Take Medicine?

Children are exposed to infectious diseases throughout the childhood. It takes spoonful of sugar to help child medicine go down. But, it is not that easy.

It is difficult to get children to take child medicine. It is always not prudent to mix sugar into child medicine.

Today child medicine tastes pretty good. In fact, you have to take extra steps to keep the child medicine safe so that your children don’t drink those yummy flavored medicines.

A time will come where you have to give child medicine to your unwilling child and it seems like an impossible task. Your children will close their mouths and run here and there when you are about to give child medicine.Child Medicine

Tips to help child medicine go down into a reluctant child:

  • Some pharmacies flavor the liquid child medicine upon your request. You can spend few dollars and make that bitter taste medicine taste like lollipop which your child likes most.
  • If your child hates the taste of child medicine, ask your pediatrician to prescribe a better tasting medicine. This works only if such medicine is available and is safe and effective to the child. There is no harm in asking your doctor.
  • Child medicine comes in different forms including chewable tablets, dissolvable wafers or liquids. If your child is older, he likes to use one form over the other. Give your child choice so that he will not resist taking the medicine. This can also encourage your child to take the medicine. Check your child’s age and the dosage given by you. Read the instructions and product labels before giving medicine to your child.
  • The liquid should be dropped towards the side of the cheek. If you directly drop the liquid towards the throat, it can cause gagging in babies and young children. Dropping at the side of the cheek makes less of the liquid to touch the taste buds.
  • The daunting experience you face is dropping eye drops in their eyes. Ask your child to close his eyes. Dispense the eye drops onto the inner corner of the eye. When he opens the eyes, the liquid will seep in. ask your doctor whether this method is reasonable or not.
  • You can also hide the child medicine in food or drink. This procedure depends on the medicine. Ask the doctor if this is acceptable. If the instructions are given to take the medicine on empty stomach then it won’t work. Some medicines are oily and won’t mix in liquids. They mix in the food well. If you follow this process, make sure your child is finishing the complete drink or food otherwise they will not swallow full dose.

If you are lucky, your child happily takes the child medicine. If not, you have to plan to make your child take child medicine.


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