Ages and Stage of Child Development Between 0-5 Years

A lot is happening in the early years of your child’s life. Between the ages of zero and five, your child is taking in a lot and will expect you to help him or her. The best way that you can do that is to understand about ages and stages of child development.

Ages and Stage of Child Development Between 0-5 Years

Ages and stages of child development – Zero to one years

The first year is when the most child development takes place and it takes place in a very noticeable way too. Your baby will start noticing colors and will be able to hear more; however, the baby will also rely on you for everything. There is a lot of distress and tension in this year for you – as parents – and the baby. By the end of the year, your baby will be more responsive and will also know who you are talking to when you say its name.

One to two years

This is when walking will start to happen – or more like running at first. You will have to start watching the child more often because he or she will start running into coffee tables and cabinets. Move everything out of the way possible. A few words will also be repeated during this time too.

You will also notice that motor skills are more controlled; your child should be able to draw in straight lines and start building blocks at these ages and stages of child development.

Two to three years

The block towers will start to get higher as your child develops better skills. You will also find that you have to watch the child more as he or she starts jumping off steps and riding around on a play tractor or a tricycle.

Your child will also become more clingy during these ages and stages of child development, especially if you have another baby. There will be resentment on the new baby and you will find that your child will start to act out and will do the opposite of what you ask.

Three to four years

The “terrible twos” will be over and your child will start to become more cooperative. In fact, he or she will start to do more on his or her own. You will find that your child wants to be more independent through feeding and using the potty. Sharing will also be something and “we” will be understood more instead of “I” and “me”.

Four to five years

Your child’s likes and dislikes will be more prominent. At these ages and stages of child development, your child will have an excellent grasp of language and will be able to form sentences well with good grammar. Your child will also develop fears – many of them imaginary.

This will be around the time that a fear of the dark or a fear of losing you is prominent – just support your child and offer a nightlight for bedtime. The good news is that other feelings will also be apparent, including guilt, love and pride.


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