Practical Tips To Help Your Child With Test Anxiety – Part 1

If you are a parent struggling to help your child who is in turn struggling with tests, then this letter from the NYU Child Study Center to parents could be just the thing to help. The letter advises:

Firstly take care of the practicalities. Make sure that the child takes enough rest and appropriate nutrition. Make sure that breakfast is healthy and substantial and that the child reaches school on time.

Make sure that the child does not want for school supplies such as stationary, project material etc. Inculcate the habit of keeping abreast with school work. Encourage the child to turn in assignments and homework on time and to read all the prescribed material.

child studyingThings you should avoid: Don’t offer too much reassurance. By saying something like “You’ll do great!” repeatedly, may cause the child to think you have very high expectations and may make the child anxious about failure.

Don’t over schedule the child’s studies; let the child also feel that he or she has some control.

If there are problems don’t ignore them. Curb the impatience. Rather than telling the child “just get it over with”, allocate the time required. If the child is nervous or wants to skip the test, don’t permit this.


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