How to Handle a Waning Belief in Santa?

For many parents, a disbelief in Santa Claus marks a lamentable loss of childhood innocence; an indication that their baby is growing up and somehow a lessening of the magic of Christmas. So how can parents help their children nurture the fantasy of Santa Claus?

When kids see one Santa at the mall and yet another at another shopping area, they are bound to wonder what this is all about, particularly if one’s beard is a little askew or if the tummy padding shifted a bit!

To deal with this, tell kids that Santa has lots and lots of other helpers, who help him at Christmas time by being there for kids.

These helpers help Santa by talking to all the children and then reporting back to Santa at the North Pole.

Even when kids get older and are really too old to continue to believe in Santa, it is important for parents to foster the sense of magic, for their children, to make that time of year special, year after year.

Make sure that your child imbibes all the values that you want him or her to live by, and never miss an opportunity to reinforce this.


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