Important Things to Consider Before Buying a Baby Travel System

Buying a suitable travel system for your child can be an extravagant affair. However, if you don’t plan it carefully, it can also be quite a costly adventure. With many celebrities glamorising various pushchairs, it is essential that any mother to be see beyond the basic look of a system and consider the features and individual needs that will need to be met.

Suitability, Safety and Interaction

Safety will be the most important feature of your system so it is probably best to discuss your needs with your partner. If your system is for a newborn you will need the seat to lie flat as per health care recommendations. You will also require a 5 point harness system to keep baby safe and secure.

Will you purchase an all in one system, whereby there is a car seat included? If so, how long will this last? Many car seats only cater for a certain age/height, so you may need to purchase another one at a later date. Is the seat adaptable for forward facing and rear facing, offering your child the security of seeing you, or the world around them? Adaptability is the key; going out and about is a breeze with a versatile pram.

Storage space and accessibility

Many people do not consider storage space beforehand. For example, when baby is in the house, where will the pushchair be stored? Consider the space that you will require around you. Your car, whilst a perfect little runaround, may have a small boot. You will need to get the dimensions of your boot to ensure that the pram will fit in the small space. You will be able to get these from the manufacturer.

Don’t forget any stairs! If you will need to carry a baby and pram up a flight of stairs daily, it may be well worth considering a lightweight pushchair as this will be easier to carry.

How long do you plan to use it for?

If you are planning to spend a lot of money on your travel system, it may be important to consider how long it will last you. Whilst some manufacturers claim that the pram will last until your child is 3, many children may outgrow their pram earlier. Your needs may change if you go back to work after maternity leave. Consider your individual circumstances before purchase.


Height is always the factor that escapes the mind. Prams come in different heights; therefore, you may need to go into the store to try the pushchair first before purchase. There is nothing worse than backache from pushing a pram for hours that is too low for your body!


Whilst the design will be important to you, you will also need to consider what accessories you will need to purchase as an addition. Rain covers; foot muffs and umbrella’s are just a few items that are available to keep your baby safe and snug and away from the harsh weather. It is, of course, a nice bonus when they all match!

Becoming a mum can be a frantic time, full of excitement and a never ending list of things to do. Be sure to plan thoroughly to ensure a bad purchase is not made. By assessing your individual circumstances and requirements, you can choose a travel system that is suitable to your daily life and environment.


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