Teenage Health Issues

The parents thinking about teenage health issues don’t necessarily have to consider only the flu and other physical illnesses, but also the contributing risk factors. We all know that the majority of teenagers are reckless and they don’t really think about the consequences of their actions.

Teenage Health Issues

Body art

According to the studies of specialists, younger andyounger children get tattoos, without realizing the risks that this form of body art carries. Since they usually don’t have a lot of money, they choose the cheap tattoo parlors that aren’t really hygienic. Such an experience could result in a serious infection.


When thinking about this one of the health problems of teenagers, it is good to know that the most obvious sign is the inability of the child to focus for longer periods of time. It is interesting that the problem is more common in case of boys. They might fidget a lot and usually interrupt other people.

Eating disorders

One of the most well known social phenomenons is accepting the underweight body type as the model body type. This results in one of the teenage health issues: eating disorders. Many girls are willing to go on a diet or to take pills just to lose some weight.


In early childhood, parents offer children a healthy and balanced diet. The teenage health problems occur in the moment when the children get old enough to make their own decisions regarding nutrition. As a result, children may have eating disorders and a lot of teenagers become overweight.


When thinking about the teenage health issues, you should know that more and more children have a weakened immune system and they become more sensitive towards pertussis. The good news is that there is a vaccine against the condition. The last shot should be received before heading off to the college.

Hepatitis B

In case you are interested in the problems of health of teenagers, you should know that hepatitis B can lead to a serious condition of the liver, so in case the child wasn’t given vaccine before, he or she should get the shot in their teenage years.

Some other teenage health issues that you could be thinking about include meningococcal meningitisand varicella. Parent should make sure that children receive all their vaccinations to make sure that they will be protected against the majority of the known infections.


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