5 Books on Parenting Every Parent Must Read

Parenting is a challenging task. It does not matter how much experience you have; it is never enough. Thus, we might need some inspiration and guidance to fine-tune our parenting skills from time-to-time to ensure your kids grow and develop in a favorable environment.

Talking about inspiration and guidance, books can be a great source of them. There are many famous books on parenting available in the market which could be a source of respite to parents who wish to explore more options on ways of parenting and whatnot.

In this article, we have enumerated 5 books which every parent much read.


  1. The Magic Years: Understanding and Handling the The Magic Years bookProblems of Early Childhood

Selma H. Fraiberg brings to you a book which is regarded as a classic in the field of parenting. It is a book which offers anabundance of insight into how children think and why they exhibit certain tendencies which are greatly influenced by their cognitive and emotional abilities.

This book may turn out to be an eye-opener and will make you understand that kids do not usually behave the way they do just for fun. It is a must-read and will accompany you on your journey to becoming a mature and sensible parent.

  1. The Ten Greatest Gifts I Give My Children: Parenting from the Heart

The book lucidly explores the question of indiscipline and insubordination among children. The author, Steven W. Vannoy, has explained why kids behave restively towards elders at times, and he encourages readers to employ positive reinforcement to tweak in positive attitudes in children.

The book is a reminder to us about what it takes to be a parent and how we must be trying to establish a harmonious relationship with children. Thus, read the book if you want to appreciate parenting.

  1. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will TalkHow to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

The book, written by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, stresses the importance of interpersonal communication and guides us on how to tune our verbal skills to build up arapport with and confidence in children. The book explores a number of key areas in parenting which are often neglected, but which play an integral role in the growth and maturation of children.

  1. The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish

T. Berry Brazelton and Stanley Greenspan handle wide-ranging issues of parenting having The Irreducible Needs of Childrenserious implications such as custody arrangements, personal time for children, shifting caregivers, etc. This book reeks of authenticity and conviction considering the fact that it comes from two well-established child advocates.

The book answers a number of questions which affect parenting dynamics and guides us on thepositive upbringing of children.

  1. Fun on the Run!: 324 Instant Family Activities

Cynthia L. Copeland has given us a really fun read which actually has practical implications for parenting. The book is a wonderful travel activity book which offers loads of ideas for things you can do with your kids wherever you are—doctor’s office, restaurant or car rides, etc.


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