5 Tips on Shopping with Kids!

Shopping with kids tagging along with you has never been an easy task, and nothing is more fun either! While kids add to the joy de vivre of our lives, there is no denying that they even add to the ‘stress’ in our lives.

Here are few tips that will help you tackle kids while you take them shopping this festive season:

1. Ignorance is not bliss

Children often get bored while you are shopping. And the normal reaction to boredom is throwing tantrums. Your child is dependent on you and that is why it is seeking a respite from you in terms of a solution to their boredom.

Instead of ignoring, deal with that. Take their toys along, treat her with her favorite burger, pay attention for five minutes, find some entertainment for him or just get help from someone. Just DO NOT IGNORE!

2. Find mall with a play area

Yes, many malls now realize what an ordeal it is for a mom to bring along her kids for shopping and get it all done as well. Shopping and kids just don’t get along and that’s a fact shopping malls have understood.

That is why many shopping malls these days have play areas especially for moms who have nowhere else to leave their children. Make the most of it ladies!

3. Have a ‘Kiddo Bag’ ready

When you are going out with your children, it is important for you to remember that while you can do without a lot of things when you are out, or in other words ‘adjust’, kids DO NOT. They need what they need at any given point of time. That does not mean you carry the whole house with you.

It only mean, that you know your children best and know what they would need when out. Therefore carry all the essentials in the ‘Kiddo Bag’, so that your kids remain happy even when they are out shopping with you.

4. Get out early

It’s always better for you to get out early for your shopping. Most weekends and evenings are busy with shoppers thronging the shopping malls, especially when it’s the festival season. As a parent who has no choice but to take their kids out to shopping, it’s good to make best use of afternoons and mid-week days, when most other people are working. You might want to consider taking leave from your work schedule, in case you are a working parent.

5. Make short shopping trips:

Instead of making long trips to the shopping mall, where you yourself tend to get tired as much as your kids do, it is always better you break your shopping agenda into small manageable shopping trips. This way, you will be able to manage your shopping as well as your kids in a much better manner.


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