12 Most Famous Parenting Books In The United States

Most Famous Parenting Books In The United States

1. Dr. Spock’s Baby and Childcare

No list of of Parenting books can be complete without “Dr. Spock’s Baby and Childcare“.

For nearly 2 generations, parents world wide have gone to Dr. Spock for his expert, insightful pediatric advice.

All the information that you need is in his book from breastfeeding techniques to dealing with emotionally troubled children.

This book has chapters on common medical care, immunizations, learning disorders and gay and lesbian parenting.


A must read at Amazon.com for only $20 for the paperback, 8th edition. No one with children should be without this book.

2 . What to Expect

parenting-book2The “What to Expect” child care books are a shoo-in for second place on anyone’s list.

This is actually a series of books that start the reader out during pregnancy with helpful advice, hints and helpful directions.

There is a breast feeding guide, general baby care, immunizations, general questions answered about allergies, medical care, how to get the baby to sleep, etc.

Other books in the series take the parent through the baby’s early years into it’s teens with helpful advice through out the book, specifically targeted at a certain stage of development in the child’s growth.

Take a look at it now at whattoexpect’s website.

3. 1-2-3 Magic Parenting Solutions

parenting-book3One of the best selling parenting books and programs on the market today that consistently deliver great results is “1-2-3 Magic Parenting Solutions”.

Available either at Amazon.com or directly through Dr. Phelan’s website.

This series is all about discipline that works, especially for children with discipline problems.

This technique is called counting discipline and involves giving a numbered sequence of warnings to the child before a time out is called.

All in all a highly recommended and well received series. Dr. Phelan teaches that children will respect boundaries, once they know where those boundaries are.

If you are having discipline problems with your children, Dr. Phelan may have the answers that you need.


4 . Travels with Baby

If you are planning to do some holiday traveling with your new baby, then Shelly Rivoli’s book, “Travels with Baby” should  be in your luggage.

This book teaches parents how to travel safely and legally with infants and toddlers.

The book contains hints and Parenting tips on flying, driving, trains, ships and even backpacking.

It contains information on flying with special needs children, traveling with twins and even traveling for an international adoption.

Now you can enjoy urban adventure, world cruise and camping trips with your child along.

Check Ms. Rivoli’s book out at her website today and get a step up on your travel plans.

5. Single Mothers by Choice

parenting-book5One new issue in parenting in our new world is raising children in a single parent home.

Being a mother is a tough job and becoming a single mother is much more so.

Author Jane Mattes founded her national group Single Mothers by Choice and used it as her foundation for her book, “Single Mothers by Choice”.

This parenting book deals with the psychological issues of becoming a single mother, understanding that for the mother to be able to effectively raise and teach her children she must first understand herself.

This book is available at the Single by Choice  website along with other support tools for single moms.

6. Building Character Skills in the Out of Control Child

parenting-book6Building Character Skills in the Out of Control Child, by Dr. C.R. Partridge is a self-help parenting hood that helps parents understand the role of character development in a child’s personal growth.

Dr. Partridge’s extensive experience tells that immature character development is cause from giving a child too much comfort, allowing them too much control and power.

This book has chapters on how inaccurate diagnosis can harm a child’s development, how skills differ from morals and how to recognize immature behavior, and the “four cornerstones” of character development.

If you have a child who is exhibiting behavior problems, this book is a great guide book.


7. Baby 411

If you are having a baby, congratulations. Coming home from the hospital with your new baby is wonderful-until the reality sets in.

This baby doesn’t come with instructions. Now you realize that you are going to need help.  Baby 411 by Ari Brown and Denise Fields, is just the book you need.

Complete with instructions on how to select a pediatrician, new information on HOT topics like cord blood banking, autism, the truth about old wives tales and internet rumors, a detailed nutrition guide including breast feeding advise, getting the baby to sleep and many other features.

Baby411 is for new parents and can be obtained at the Windsor PeakPress.

8. Teen Grief Relief

Teen Grief Relief is a great self help book both for parents and teenagers.

parenting-book7This book was written by the highly credentialed mother/daughter grief experts, Heidi and Gloria Horsely and provides information on understanding the teenagers’ emotions, when and how to talk about death with your children, the difference between normal grief and complicated grief, and includes many references and a good resource guide.

Shared in the book with the readers are teen stories, feelings, and parenting techniques that help grieving teens not only survive grief by thrive after a painful loss of a family member or friend.

Take a look at this book’s review and more detail at RainbowBooks.


9. The Expectant Father

The old saying that it takes two to tango is especially apt in parenting.

There are so many guides and books on parenting on how to be a good mother, or parenting from a mother’s perspective that Mr. Dad, author Armin Brott, decided the time was right to give Dads a hand.

“The Expectant Father” is especially directed at the unique problems faced by expectant and new fathers.

With over a million copies in print, this is the first  book to take a real look at the father’s point of view.

There are chapters that deal with subjects all the way from when you found out that you were going to be a father to how to start a college fund.


10. Siblings Without Rivalry

Anyone knows that raising one child can be a handful but consider raising several in the same house hold.

Sibling rivalry is a serious problem that can affect the normal development of your children.

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish have addressed this problem in “Siblings Without Rivalry” a common sense, straight forward manner.

Instead of telling a child how stupid it is to feel challenged by a brother or sister, each issue should be addressed in a positive life affirming manner.

It teaches about making sure that your children have alone time, never get sucked into unwinnable games and never role categorizing your kids.


11. Discipline That Works: 5 simple Steps

“Discipline That Works: 5 simple Steps”, by Joyce Divinyi is just five simple steps that offer a highly effective approach to helping your children learn the things that they need to know to be successful and happy in life.

Children are taught communication skills, thinking skills, and self control skills while the parents are taught discipline strategies and new ways to handle difficult situations with their kids.

This is a great tool because it gives advice to both the parents and the children, working as a great life guide for both sides of the problem.

If you have siblings in the house, check out this parenting book.


12.The New Basics: A-to-Z Baby & Child Care for the Modern Parent

The New Basics: A-to-Z Baby & Child Care for the Modern Parent, by Dr. Michael Cohen, is the perfect learning tool for parents who worry too much.

This book covers all of the basic concerns of new, especially first time parents, with a positive out look through out.

Dr Cohen covers everything from Apgar scores to warts, adoption, flu, anesthesia, and many more topics.

This book isn’t recommended for parents of children with special needs, because they have different issues.

Dr. Cohen writes with a style that makes you feel like you are getting a house call from your favorite family doctor.


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